Lifts, Twists & Suspensions - This workshop takes a new look at when, why and how we should twist, suspend and lift a client in Thai massage. 1 day - 7 hours --- Levantamientos, Torsiones y Suspensiones - Este taller da una nueva mirada a cuando, por qué y cómo debemos girar, suspender y levantar a un cliente en el masaje tailandés. 1 día - 7 horas
From: 9 am until 5 pm
At: Bilbao, Spain
Suspensions in Thai massage don't mean inversions or acro-yoga ! Some workshops present techniques for lifting and suspending clients that simply don’t work when one person is larger, heavier, or taller than the other. Little emphasis is given to why and when we should practice these techniques, and the potential for hurting yourself or hurting the client is great. This workshop takes a new look at when, why and how we should twist, suspend and lift a client in Thai massage. There are little-known ways to reduce a client's stress via gentle balancing and rocking suspensions. These techniques have less to do with physical strength, and they depend more on proper body mechanics, breath, and physics. We will learn them, and we'll also review and refine other traditional Thai massage techniques for twisting and gently suspending clients.
We work in all four body positions; supine, prone, seated and side, and special attention is given to the motivation behind each technique – when to use them, and when to NOT use them. If you like the idea of balancing and suspension poses, but you are not always comfortable when you try them, then this workshop is for you.
One day, 7 hours. Certificates awarded upon completion.
Trabajamos en las cuatro posiciones del cuerpo; supino, prono, sentado y de lado, y se presta especial atención a la motivación detrás de cada técnica - cuándo utilizarlos, y cuándo no utilizarlos. Si le gustan las tecnicas de suspension y torsion, pero no siempre se siente cómodo cuando se intenta, entonces este taller es para usted.
Un día, 7 horas. Certificados otorgados al finalizar