2 days, Sat/Sun, Oct 1-2 - This is an advanced course dealing with ways to assess clients before and during practice; Proper use of body mechanics for effective work; awareness of breathing patterns; and ways to increase sensitivity in therapeutic bodywork.
At: School of Thai Yoga Massage, London
Address: Bickerton House, London
Registration: register at this link
Cost: £215
to view or download a flyer for this course, click here: download flyer
Register online here or contact: info@thaiyogamassage.co.uk
A discount is available if you register in both London courses
This specialized workshop deals with advanced Thai massage techniques and concepts, and previous study and practice in Thai massage is required.
During the course, various study and practice modules focus on each of the three main themes. These include: Body Mechanics: Basic movement and rocking patterns; Using your body weight to execute techniques; How to establish graceful flow from one technique to another Assessment: Using Thai element theory to help you determine the techniques you should use and the ones you should not use for each individual; Considering clients' body language; Exercises to improve your sensing abilities Breath: Breath awareness in daily life; Using breathwork to execute Thai massage techniques; Awareness of breath in clients; breathing exercises for therapists and clients
Each day there is discussion, demonstration and group practice. Both new and classic Thai techniques are reviewed and practiced with a focus on assessment, ergonomics and breath awareness. Each person gives and receives short sessions, and the teacher guides and encourages you to organically integrate the new concepts and techniques into your own Thai massage styles and sequences. This is a unique and challenging course that will help you to work on the mat in a more spiritual, effective and focused way.
Register early by making a deposit for this exciting workshop.