
May 16-17-18, 2025: 3 days, 20 hours with certificate: €400 -- After working the feet, legs and lower body, it is important to continue with your work on the upper body in a targeted and holistic way. This workshop raises your awareness of whole-body energy patterns, and helps you connect your upper-body work to the things you do in the first half of your treatments.

At: La Sorgente

Cost: €400

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Thai Massage: Upper Body Advanced Techniques  / Techniche per la Parte Superiore del Corpo, Italy

After working the feet, legs and lower body, it is important to continue with your work on the upper body in a targeted and holistic way. This workshop raises your awareness of whole-body energy patterns, and helps you connect your upper-body work to the things you do in the first half of your treatments.

In this popular course you will learn:

  • Specialized techniques to release back tension
  • Creative ways to work the upper sen lines
  • Deep and sensitive abdominal work
  • How to use your feet to sense and release blockages
  • Lifts, spinal twists and suspensions
  • How to use breathing for maximum effect
  • Targeted techniques for shoulders and shoulder blades
  • How to use your body weight to avoid straining
  • Assessment of your client’s body language
  • Advanced stretches for the back, arms and shoulders
  • How to refine and correct your body mechanics … and much more.

Taught multilingually, this is an exciting, creative and exploratory course for all those with some previous experience in Thai massage. We work in all 4 body positions, and plenty of time is given for practice and review each day. Join us for this fun and exciting workshop !


La parte superiore del corpo

Dopo aver lavorato su piedi, gambe e parte inferiore del corpo nel massaggio thailandese, è essenziale passare alla parte superiore del corpo in modo mirato e olistico. Questo corso approfondisce la consapevolezza dei modelli energetici del corpo e ti aiuta a integrare il lavoro sulla parte superiore con le tecniche utilizzate nella prima parte del trattamento. Affronteremo anche la valutazione e la teoria degli elementi thailandesi.

Partecipa a questo corso stimolante per espandere le tue competenze e portare il tuo massaggio thailandese a un livello superiore!

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